Reto Bürgisser

Reto Bürgisser

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Zurich


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Political Science (IPZ) at the University of Zurich. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bern. I hold a Ph.D. from the European University Institute.

My research lies at the intersection of political economy, economic sociology, and political behavior. I explore how governments navigate and manage the digital and green transitions, how citizens perceive and assess inclusive and sustainable economic, social, and environmental policies, and the social and political ramifications of these policy interventions.

Download my CV.

  • Welfare States & Labor Markets
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Technological Change
  • Green Transition
  • PhD European University Institute, 2019

  • MRes European University Institute, 2015

  • MA University of Zurich, 2014

  • BA University of Zurich, 2011


(2024). Lower Taxes at All Costs? Evidence From a Survey Experiment in Four European Countries. Journal of European Public Policy.

PDF Cite DOI Replication

(2023). Public Opinion on Welfare State Recalibration in Times of Austerity: Evidence from Survey Experiments. Political Science Research and Methods 11(1), 34-52.

PDF Cite DOI Replication

(2023). Policy Responses to Technological Change in the Workplace. JRC Working Paper Series on Social Classes in the Digital Age 2023/04, 1-21.

PDF Cite EU Science Hub

(2023). Family Policy. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford University Press.

PDF Cite DOI Link to Publisher

(2023). Do Citizens Care About Government Debt? Evidence From Survey Experiments on Budgetary Priorities. European Journal of Political Research 62(1), 239-263.


(2022). Wählerschaft und Perspektiven der Sozialdemokratie in der Schweiz. NZZ Libro.

PDF Cite Link to Publisher Policy Briefs: Anny Klawa-Morf Media: DeFacto 1 Media: DeFacto 2

(2022). The Partisan Politics of Family and Labor Market Policy Reforms in Southern Europe. in Garritzmann, J., S. Häusermann, and B. Palier (eds.). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford University Press.


(2022). Familienpolitik. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. NZZ Libro.

PDF Cite Link to Publisher

(2021). Insider–Outsider Representation and Social Democratic Labor Market Policy. Socio-Economic Review 19(3), 1065–1094.


(2021). Attitudinal Polarization Towards the Redistributive Role of the State in the Wake of the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31(S1), 41-55.


(2021). Trade-Offs Between Redistribution and Environmental Protection: the Role of Information, Ideology, and Self-Interest. Journal of European Public Policy 28(4), 489-509.


(2019). The Politics of Welfare State Recalibration in Continental and Southern Europe. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute.


Ongoing Research

Book Project

  • The Politics of Welfare State Recalibration in Continental and Southern Europe (based on my Ph.D. thesis)

Technological Change

  • Policy Responses to Technological Change in the Workplace. JRC Working Paper Series on Social Classes in the Digital Age.
  • Can Policy Interventions Moderate Political Backlash to Structural Change? (with Thomas Kurer and Silja Häusermann)
  • White Collar Automation: Labor Market Entry and Political Preferences (with Thomas Kurer)
  • Support for Digitalization Policies: Evidence from the EU’s Next Generation Program (with Aina Gallego, Alex Kuo, and Silja Häusermann)

Welfare State

  • How Perceived Distributive Effects Shape Labor Market Policy Support (with Silja Häusermann and Fabienne Eisenring). URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series #37.
  • Generational Variation in Welfare Preferences across the GALTAN Divide (with Matthias Enggist, Silja Häusermann and Michael Pinggera)
  • How Can Solidaristic Reforms Succeed? A Case Study of the German Grundrentereform (with Fabienne Eisenring and Silja Häusermann)
  • The Relational Aspect of Social Investment: Evidence from Recipients' Evaluations of a French Active Labor Market Policy (with Paulus Wagner and Thomas Kurer)
  • Social Democracy, Intra-Party Class Heterogeneity, and Labor Market Reforms

Political Economy of Climate Change

  • Can Information, Party Cues, and Compensation Increase Mass Support for Green Taxes? (with Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen and Klaus Armingeon). Preprint.
  • Perceived Climate Change Vulnerability and Environmental Policy Preferences (with Benedikt Seisl)
  • Are People Willing to Pay for the Twin Transition? Media Discourse and Mass Attitudes Towards Green and Digital Industrial Policies (with Björn Bremer, Fabio Bulfone, and Timo Seidl)
  • Decarbonization and Political Backlash

Fiscal Policy

  • Class Constituencies of Liberalizing and De-liberalizing Social Democratic Parties in Government (with Klaus Armingeon)

Political Economy of Tourism-Led Growth

  • Sunshine States in World Markets: When States Capitalize on their Comparative Advantage in Tourism (with Donato di Carlo)
  • Tourism as a Developmental Strategy in Peripheral Economies (with Donato Di Carlo)


University of Zurich

  • Swiss Politics in Comparative Perspective, BA Lecture, Fall Term 2024.
  • The Political Economy of Climate Change, MA Seminar, Spring Term 2024.
  • The Political Economy of Climate Change, MA Seminar, Spring Term 2023.
  • The Politics of the Welfare State, BA Specialization Seminar, Fall/Spring Term 2021/2022.
  • Political Consequences of Technological Change, MA Seminar, Spring Term 2021.
  • Swiss Economic and Social Policy in Comparative Perspective, BA Seminar, Spring Term 2020.
  • Political Consequences of Technological Change, MA Seminar, Spring Term 2020.

University of Bern

  • Causes and Consequences of the Crisis in Southern Europe, BA Seminar, Fall Term 2019.
    Awarded with the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Science.
  • States and Markets: Introduction to Comparative Political Economy, BA Seminar, Spring Term 2019.
    Awarded with the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Science.
  • Causes and Consequences of the Crisis in Southern Europe, BA Seminar, Fall Term 2018.

European University Institute

  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods, Ph.D. Seminar, Fall Term 2015 (with Fabrizio Bernardi).
  • Catch-Up Course in Data Analysis, Ph.D. Block Seminar, Fall Term 2015.


  • 10+ MA theses
  • 15+ BA theses



Policy Briefs and Reports


  • Department of Political Science, University of Zurich, Affolternstrasse 56, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland,